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November 29, 2017 | Category: District B | Tagged as: St. Charles
The St. Charles Ave. Repaving Project, designed to remove and replace damaged portions of the asphalt roadway between Louisiana Avenue and Calliope Street, is ahead of schedule at 80 percent completion.
October 30, 2017 | Category: District B | Tagged as: St. Charles
The St. Charles Ave. Repaving Project, designed to remove and replace damaged portions of the asphalt roadway between Louisiana Ave. and Calliope St. recently moved into the third and final phase of construction.
September 26, 2017 | Category: District B | Tagged as: St. Charles
The $4.3M St. Charles Ave. Repaving Project, designed to remove and replace damaged portions of the asphalt roadway between Louisiana Ave. and Calliope St., is approximately 65 percent complete.
August 30, 2017 | Category: District B | Tagged as: St. Charles
The $4.3M St. Charles Ave. Repaving Project, designed to remove and replace damaged portions of the asphalt roadway between Louisiana Ave. and Calliope St., is approximately 40 percent complete.
July 27, 2017 | Category: District B | Tagged as: St. Charles
Work continues on the St. Charles Ave. project as crews shift from the curb side of the roadway to the median (or high lane). Construction is approximately 56 percent complete.
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