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April 17, 2018 | Category: District D | Tagged as: Gentilly Terrace
Roubion Shoring & Construction crews completed sidewalk pours and placed Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant ramps on the Gentilly Terrace Group A project this month. Crews are 85 percent complete in the first phase of construction (northern portions of the project bounded by Gentilly Boulevard and Filmore Avenue) and plan to start the second phase (southern portions of area bounded by Gentilly Boulevard and Interstate-610) in June.
March 15, 2018 | Category: District D | Tagged as: Gentilly Terrace
Crews are continuing to progress on the first phase (northern portion bounded by Gentilly Boulevard and Filmore Avenue) of Gentilly Terrace Group A, the first of ten construction projects planned for the Gentilly Terrace neighborhood. Roubion Shoring & Construction crews have completed 20 percent of the sidewalk repairs and installed a total of eight Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant curbs at intersections.
February 20, 2018 | Category: District D | Tagged as: Gentilly Terrace
Gentilly Terrace Group A, the first of ten construction projects planned for the Gentilly Terrace neighborhood, began mid-January 2018. Roubion Shoring & Construction crews continue to move at a rapid pace to make up for days lost to inclement weather conditions.
January 25, 2018 | Category: District D | Tagged as: Gentilly Terrace
Gentilly Terrace Group A is the first of ten construction projects planned for the Gentilly Terrace neighborhood. Bounded by Peoples Avenue, Filmore Avenue, Elysian Fields Avenue, Interstate-610 and Interstate 10.
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