Construction on the $4.4M Filmore South Group A project continues to progress on schedule. The project — which was designed by Volkert, Inc. and is being constructed by Hard Rock Construction, LLC — has reached more than 80% completion. Click here to view a map of the project scope.
Miles, King, Moore, Overton, Mandolin, Perlita, Cartier, and Park Island streets are the current focus of construction. The scope of work for the project as a whole varies by block but includes the following types of work:
- Patch Mill/Overlay: Repaving the asphalt roadway from curb to curb and repair damaged sidewalks;
- Patch Concrete: Removing damaged portions of the concrete roadway and replace it with new smooth concrete pavement;
- Incidental Road Repairs: Removing damaged portions of the asphalt roadway and replace it with new smooth pavement; and
- Non-Paving Incidentals: Repairing damaged sidewalks, driveway aprons and curbs within the public right-of-way.
The City of New Orleans hosted a pre-construction community meeting in August 2019 to discuss anticipated impacts to the community. View a copy of the presentation here.
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