Department of Public Works, Sewerage and Water Board, Neel-Schaffer and Beverly Construction LLC plan to complete final inspection of the Lower Ninth Ward Northeast Group A project in February. Partial inspection of waterline work and sidewalks are currently underway.
Crews will complete suggested changes and adjustments from the partial and final inspections; the project remains on schedule to meet its winter 2019 deadline.
The $3.5M Lower Ninth Ward Northeast Group A project is the second of thirteen planned FEMA-funded construction project which will help improve road conditions in the Lower Ninth Ward neighborhood. The project was designed by Neel - Schaffer, Inc.
The scope of work for this project includes:
- Repaving the asphalt roadway from curb-to-curb;
- Patching the roadway with asphalt;
- Repairing damaged sidewalks and driveway aprons; and
- Installing Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant curb ramps at appropriate intersections.
The City hosted a pre-construction public meeting to discuss anticipated impacts prior to the start of construction. View a copy of the presentation here. To be added to the project contact list, and to track our progress, visit
For more information about this project and other upcoming work, please visit or call 504.658.ROAD (7623).