The first of two planned FEMA-funded construction projects, which will help improve road conditions on the Westbank of New Orleans, is currently out to bid.
The approximately $4M project was designed by Richard C. Lambert Consultants, LLC and includes work throughout the Westbank.
View the project map here.
The type of work planned varies by block but will include the following:
- Patch Mill / Overlay: Repave the asphalt roadway from curb to curb and repair damaged sidewalks;
- Patch Concrete: Remove damaged portions of the concrete roadway and replace it with new smooth concrete pavement;
- Incidental Road Repairs: Remove damaged portions of the asphalt roadway and replace it with new smooth pavement; and
- Non-Paving Incidentals: Repair damaged sidewalks, driveway aprons and curbs within the public right-of-way.
The City will host a pre-construction public meeting to discuss construction sequencing and anticipated impacts prior to construction. Sign up to receive Westbank Group A project updates here.