Boh Bros. Construction Co. LLC crews are currently 20 percent complete with the second phase of the Wisner Bridge Project, which will connect the new Wisner Bicycle and Pedestrian Path from Esplanade Avenue to the existing Wisner Path on the north side of Interstate-610.
The scope of work includes:
- Constructing new off-street bicycle and pedestrian path along Bayou St. John;
- Connecting new path to the existing 12-ft. wide bicycle and pedestrian path on Wisner Bridge; and
- Establishing new bicycle and pedestrian connections across Wisner Boulevard to City Park.
Construction of the adjoining paths started in November 2017 and is on schedule to be completed in spring/summer 2018. The path is being constructed in two phases. The first phase, Zachary Taylor Drive to DeSaix Boulevard, is expected to open in February 2018. The second phase, DeSaix Boulevard to Esplanade Avenue, is expected to take three to four months to construct. Phase two work will also include intersection work and traffic signal modifications.