The $4.8M Lower Ninth Ward Northwest Group A project is substantially complete and has moved into the final inspection phase, allowing contractors to address areas that City and Sewerage and Water Board inspectors identified.
The Department of Public Works’ construction contractor, Fleming Construction Co., LLC has completed much of the concrete and asphalt roadway. Completed roadway and sidewalk work in the western portions of the project (bounded by North Claiborne Avenue, Jackson Barracks, Florida Avenue and Caffin Avenue) allowed crews to transition into the southern and eastern portions of the project (bounded by North Claiborne, Deslonde Street, Florida Avenue and Caffin Avenue).
The scope of work for this project includes:
- Repaving the asphalt roadway from curb-to-curb;
- Patching the roadway with asphalt;
- Repairing damaged sidewalks and driveway aprons;
- Installing Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant curb ramps at appropriate intersections; and
- Replacing/repairing damaged underground water, sewer and/or drainage lines.
The City hosted a pre-construction public meeting to discuss anticipated impacts prior to the start of construction. View a copy of the presentation here. To be added to the project contact list, and to track our progress, visit
For more information about this project and other upcoming work in the area, visit or call 504.658.ROAD (7623).