Beginning Saturday, July 17, Dahlia Walk and Sage Street will operate as a one-way from Peoples to Franklin Avenues for two months as part of a neighborhood-led Complete Streets demonstration project to promote safer traffic flow in the area. Public safety is our priority; signage will be in place throughout and for the duration of the demonstration project.
The modification of traffic will occur along the 2600 Block of Sage Street (between Franklin Avenue and Dahlia Walk) and along Dahlia Walk between Sage Street and Peoples Avenue (at Clover Street); turns from Franklin Avenue onto Sage Street will be prohibited.

The demonstration will include one-way motor vehicle travel on Dahlia Walk and Sage Street from Peoples Avenue toward Franklin Avenue and a temporary two-way path for walking and bicycling on the river side of Sage Street and Dahlia Walk. Two-way motor vehicle traffic will be maintained on Peoples Avenue between Clover Street and Gentilly Boulevard.
This work is supported by a $750 mini-grant provided by the New Orleans Complete Streets Coalition.
Questions about this project should be directed to 504.658.ROAD (7623) or