Mayor LaToya Cantrell on Tuesday joined other leaders and residents to celebrate the completion of the FEMA-funded $6.13 million Filmore South Group A roadwork project that improves 40 residential blocks in District D.
“The $6.13 million Filmore South Group A project in District D is another example of how we are coordinating our FEMA-funded infrastructure efforts between DPW and the Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans, and how we are committed to fixing our aging streets and broken pipes across every district of the city. We're also excited to see how this accelerated work despite the COVID-19 pandemic is keeping our people at work. And as of December 2020, more than 1,100 new jobs had been created as part of the City’s infrastructure program, so we know that this work will be an integral part of our Road to Recovery,” said Mayor Cantrell.
Mayor Cantrell also thanked residents for their patience as the City continued to move forward with a range of roadwork projects and urged residents to reach out when they experience a lack of movement on any given project in order to hold contractors accountable in getting the job done in a timely and courteous manner. Residents are encouraged to contact RoadWorkNOLA directly at or by phone at (504) 658-ROAD (7623).
[WATCH: Filmore South Group A ribbon cutting]
“Today, more than 60 roadwork projects are under construction across the city, valued at nearly $600 million, which is really incredible. With today being the start of hurricane season, I want to assure our residents that our project teams are in constant communication with the contractors who are working on these projects about their plans to secure construction sites if and when we face a tropical weather event,” said Ramsey Green, Deputy CAO for Infrastructure. “This is a priority, and we are ensuring that if the need arises, site preparation will happen quickly and safely. All of this infrastructure work means a lot of progress, but it has also introduced both challenges and hardship for our residents. We absolutely recognize this and we are all experiencing some degree of this hardship, but it’s important that we remain focused on the long-term goal – which is to safely get these infrastructure upgrades completed, to make our city more resilient and to improve the overall quality of life.”
“The Filmore South Group A project is another example of how we are investing in our residents. Prioritizing infrastructure is essential to ensuring residents have the best sewer, water, drainage, and roadway systems to improve their quality of life. It’s now easier for families, especially those with strollers or wheelchairs, to access the sidewalks. The new drainage lines can reduce street flooding from stormwater runoff by quickly conveying water into the drainage system. I’m proud to be a part of this $6.13 million quality-of-life investment,” said Jared C. Brossett, City Councilmember, District D.
The Filmore South Group A project is a collaboration between the Department of Public Works (DPW) and the Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans (SWBNO); $5.22 million of the funding came from DPW, while $910,000 came from SWBNO. The project team included City Project Manager Marlon Carrio, Construction Manager Eric Dake and Outreach Specialist David Jackson on the City side, and contractors Hard Rock Construction, LLC, and Volkert, Inc. This work began in August 2019.
Improvements include:
- Repaving the roadway from curb-to-curb
- Patching roadways with asphalt or concrete
- Replacing damaged underground water, sewer and drainage lines
- Replacing damaged sidewalks and driveway aprons
- Installing Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant curb ramps at intersections
Mayor Cantrell noted that as of December 2020, more than 1,100 new jobs had been created as part of the City’s infrastructure program.
Since Mayor Cantrell took office in May 2018, the City has completed 94 roadwork improvement projects – worth $260 million – across every City Council district. There are also approximately $462 million in road work projects either under construction, up for bid/award, in their final design or completed.
Capital projects in District D include $39 million in investments already completed. Completed Capital Projects in District D include:
- Juvenile Justice Intervention Center 28-bed Addition – $18.2 million
- Nora Navra Library – $3.8 million
- Parks & Parkways Green House – $2.9 million
- Hunters Field Ph. III Addition – $1.8 million
- Harden Playground (New Restroom/Concessions Bldg.) – $743,500
- Joe Bartholomew Golf Course/Pontchartrain Park Walking Path – $630,000
- Bunny Friend Restroom/Concession Bldg. Renovations – $198,000
Just a few months ago, the City marked completion of the $15.5 million Pontilly Stormwater Management Network. Currently there are 22 road work projects in final design valued at $195 million that move into construction over the next year.