Command Construction Enterprises, LLC crews are currently working on the S. Galvez St. reconstruction project in Central City. The $5.4M reconstruction project runs from Toledano St. to Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Safety fencing and signage is in place to ensure residents and commuters are safe while near the construction site.
West bound traffic on S. Galvez St. between Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd. and Toledano St. has been detoured to S. Broad St. and S. Claiborne Ave. The detour will last approximately six months and is necessary to accommodate construction.
Crews are currently excavating the roadway to facilitate replacement of the existing water line. Water line replacement will be followed by installation of the new drainage line.
Funded with a Federal Community Development Block Grants, the Infrastructure Improvement Project will enhance the public area and trigger subsequent recovery and investment in surrounding neighborhoods. The S. Galvez St. Infrastructure Improvement Project was designed in accordance with the City of New Orleans’ Complete Streets policy.
The scope of work for this project includes:
- Full reconstruction of the roadway;
- Replacement of the existing sewer, water and drainage lines;
- Installing pervious concrete parking lanes which reduces the amount of water that requires
- pumping and processing by the City’s storm water drainage system;
- Narrowing the width of the existing roadway from 35 ft. to 26 ft.; and
- Reconfiguring the roadway from two travel lanes and a parking lane, to one travel lane, one dedicated bicycle lane, and a parking lane.