Hard Rock Construction Crews are continuing to prepare for the upcoming final inspection by the Department of Public Works, Sewerage and Water Board and Phoenix Global on the Lakewood Group A project.
Crews have completed restoring grass adjacent to areas where new sidewalks and curbs were installed.
The scope of work for this $1.6M project varies block by block, but includes the following:
- Patching the roadway with asphalt;
- Replacing damaged portions of concrete with new, level concrete;
- Repairing damaged curbs and gutters;
- Repairing damaged sidewalks and driveway aprons;
- Installing Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant curb ramps at intersection; and
- Replacing/repairing damaged underground water, and drainage lines.
Details of the construction sequencing and timeline were first made available at the pre-construction public meeting. View a copy of the presentation and details about construction sequencing here.
For more information about this project and other upcoming work, please visit Roadwork.nola.gov or call 504.658.ROAD (7623).