The St. Claude Group A project was designed by Rahman and Associates, Inc. and is being built by Hard Rock Construction Company, LLC. There is an estimated $1M in added scope on the originally $3.8M project, which is scheduled to be complete in early 2020.
Crews continue to pave roadways on N. Roman, Independence, France, and Bartholomew streets. Sidewalk and driveway work is occurring on N. Rampart and Burgundy streets. Construction is currently estimated at 85 percent complete.
The scope varies by block, but includes the following types of work:
- Patch Mill/Overlay: Repaving the asphalt roadway from curb to curb and repair damaged sidewalks;
- Patch Concrete: Removing damaged portions of the concrete roadway and replace it with new smooth concrete pavement;
- Incidental Road Repairs: Removing damaged portions of the asphalt roadway and replace it with new smooth pavement; and
- Non-Paving Incidentals: Repairing damaged sidewalks, driveway aprons and curbs within the public right-of-way.
Learn more about the project’s construction sequencing and anticipated impacts by viewing a copy of the public meeting presentation here.