The St. Bernard Neighborhood Campus project is being designed with multiple benefits including increasing the number of native plantings for shade and habitat, which will decrease urban heat effects and reduce flooding by storing stormwater on site before slowly releasing it into the drainage system. And while addressing the environmental challenges of the community is paramount, the project also aims to demonstrate that resilient neighborhood-scale stormwater management can provide benefits far beyond the initial investment by revitalizing community access to varied recreational amenities.
This project will be constructed in three phases – Phase I is at 90 percent design completion and anticipated to begin construction in the first quarter of 2021. The focus of this phase is the multi-functional athletic fields, which will not only provide the community with a recreational amenity but will also serve the enhanced purpose of flood reduction by storing up to five million gallons of stormwater in underground detention basins.
The project is currently at 90 percent design completion. The team hosted a virtual community update meeting on August 20, 2020.