During excavation, the City identified a need for additional drainage elements under the roadway on the S. Galvez Street Reconstruction Project in Central City.
Additions to the scope of work required an Environmental and Historical Preservation (EHP) review by FEMA; so Command Construction Industries, LLC crews were temporarily re-assigned to other projects. They are expected to return to the site later this month.
Funded with a Federal Community Development Block Grant, the S. Galvez Street Infrastructure Improvement Project will enhance the public area and trigger subsequent recovery and investment in surrounding neighborhoods. The project was designed in accordance with the City of New Orleans’ Complete Streets policy.
The scope of work for this project includes full reconstruction of the roadway, including:
- Replacing the existing sewer, water and drainage lines;
- Widening the neutral ground;
- Narrowing the roadway from 35 ft. to 26 ft.; and
- Reconfiguring the roadway from two travel lanes and one parking lane to one travel lane, one dedicated bicycle lane and one parking lane.