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March 27, 2020 | Category: Citywide
Continuing our infrastructure work during this trying time for our city is absolutely essential. Public safety is always our priority – with hurricane season on the horizon as well as deadlines for our FEMA and HUD dollars – we must push forward for as long as we safely and responsibly can.
March 27, 2020 | Category: District E | Tagged as: Lower Ninth Ward
Wallace C. Drennan crews, in collaboration with Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans, are set to begin water line tie ins on the Lower Ninth Ward Northwest Group B project. Crews have completed water line installations on Reynes Street (N. Derbigny Street to Tonti Street) and are now ready to begin connecting those lines to the existing water supply. Residents will continue to be notified ahead of any work that will impact their access and utilities.
March 27, 2020 | Category: District E | Tagged as: Village de L’Est
Construction is progressing on the Village De L’Est Group B project. Crews are installing new sidewalks and driveway aprons in some areas, and making repairs to concrete roadways throughout the project area. Weather permitting the project is slated to be complete in fall 2020
March 27, 2020 | Category: District E | Tagged as: Pines Village
The City of New Orleans, Department of Public Works (DPW), in conjunction with the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans, began infrastructure improvements and road repairs in New Orleans East in February 2020.
City of New Orleans Department of Public Works contractor Hard Rock Construction Co., LLC, is scheduled to begin work on the $2.3M Pines Village Group B project in March.
The City of New Orleans and the Sewerage & Water Board are hiring.
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