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October 30, 2019 | Category: District D | Tagged as: Gentilly Resilience District
New Orleans is one of the oldest cities in America with an aging drainage system. City officials, thought leaders and the community recognize that we will not be able to mitigate flood risks by simply pumping our way out of the problem new and innovative approaches are needed to better manage stormwater. Green infrastructure is rethinking how we as a city are ‘Living with Water’.
October 30, 2019 | Category: District D | Tagged as: Pontilly
Fleming Construction workers are completing driveways on Stephen Girard as a part of the $15M Pontilly Stormwater Project. Workers excavated more than 10 blocks in Pontchartrain Park to install new drainage connections that will be attached to urban bioswales. Residents were granted temporary aggregate driveways while construction progressed.
October 30, 2019 | Category: District D | Tagged as: Filmore
Command Construction Industries, LLC crews continue to work on the roadway on Charlotte as part of the $4.5M Filmore North Group A project. The project is anticipated to be complete in winter 2020.
The $4.4M Filmore South Group A project was designed by Volkert, Inc. and is being constructed by Hard Rock Construction, LLC. The project is tentatively scheduled to be completed in fall 2020, weather permitting.
October 30, 2019 | Category: District E | Tagged as: Village de L’Est
Construction on the second project in the Village De L’Est area continues with work on sidewalks and driveways on Endeavers Court and Expedition Drive. Waterline work begins on Beaucaire Street and Point Coupee Place. Learn more about the project by viewing a copy of the public meeting presentation here.
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