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September 21, 2018 | Category: Citywide
In an effort to engage residents in the Clean Up NOLA initiative, the Mayor’s Neighborhood Engagement Office will host a City-wide Catch Basin Cleaning Training followed by a series of Catch Basin Cleaning Days in each Council District.
September 21, 2018 | Category: District E | Tagged as: Lower Ninth Ward
City of New Orleans contractor Beverly Construction LLC continues to work on Saturdays on the Lower Ninth Ward Northeast Group A project to make up for time lost during the Labor Day holiday and inclement weather days.
As progress continues on the $4.8M Lower Ninth Ward Northwest Group A project, the Department of Public Works’ construction contractor, Fleming Construction Co., LLC, removed barricades on several streets including the 1600 block of Caffin Avenue.
September 21, 2018 | Category: District E | Tagged as: New Orleans East
The City’s procurement office has deemed the two responses for the contract that would rehabilitate several closed bridges in New Orleans East to be non-responsive. As a result, the project will be re-bid.
September 21, 2018 | Category: District E | Tagged as: Joe Brown Park Bridge
City’s construction contractor, Barriere Construction Co., LLC has currently completed 95 percent of the roadway repavement in Joe W. Brown Memorial Park. The $1.2M construction project is scheduled to be completed at the end of September.
The City of New Orleans and the Sewerage & Water Board are hiring.
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