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June 4, 2021 | Category: District A | Tagged as: Hagan Lafitte
New sidewalks are being framed around Easton Park as Command Construction Industries, LLC finishes the final portions of the Hagan Lafitte Drainage project. The project, which is 99 percent complete, will reduce localized flooding by storing up to 1.3 million gallons of storm water.
March 31, 2021 | Category: District A | Tagged as: Hagan Lafitte
City of New Orleans engineers are working with Command Construction Industries, LLC to finish sidewalk and curb construction at the Hagan Lafitte Drainage project.
March 2, 2021 | Category: District A | Tagged as: Green Infrastructure, Hagan Lafitte, Resilience
Final paving is under way at the Hagan Lafitte Drainage project with Command Construction currently working to finish sidewalks, curbs and rain gardens sitewide.
January 27, 2021 | Category: District A | Tagged as: Hagan Lafitte
Command Construction Industries, LLC crews are wrapping up construction and paving on all major streets that border the Hagan Lafitte Drainage project.
December 15, 2020 | Category: District A | Tagged as: Green Infrastructure, Hagan Lafitte, Resilience
Command Construction Industries, LLC crews are laying more than seven inches of finished concrete as the contractors move towards the substantial completion of the revolutionary Hagan Lafitte Drainage Project.
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