Work is back on track at the Lakeview North Group A project. Richard C. Lambert Consultants and Hard Rock Construction LLC had been awaiting approvals to adjust the scope of work in order ensure constructability and positive drainage.
Since resuming operations, crews have completed the removal and replacement of concrete roadway throughout Quad 1 - which includes many areas of Vicksburg St. and Chapelle St. Construction is now 13 percent complete.
This scope of the project includes:
- Patching with asphalt and concrete;
- Repairing damaged curbs, sidewalks and driveway aprons; and
- Installing American with Disabilities Act-compliant curb ramps at intersections.
This $2.7M project was designed by Richard C. Lambert Consultants and is being constructed by Hard Rock Construction LLC.
Work is scheduled to be completed by spring 2018.