Construction on the first Mid-City Group A project will begin in late July / early August. The project was designed by Infinity Engineering and will be constructed by Hard Rock Construction, LLC.
The scope of work varies by block but includes the following types of work:
- Patch Mill / Overlay: Repaving the asphalt roadway from curb to curb and repairing damaged sidewalks;
- Patch Concrete: Removing damaged portions of the concrete roadway and replacing it with new smooth concrete pavement;
- Incidental Road Repairs: Removing damaged portions of the asphalt roadway and replacing it with new smooth pavement; and
- Non-Paving Incidentals: Repairing damaged sidewalks, driveway aprons and curbs within the public right-of-way.
Details of the construction sequencing and timeline will be available during a pre-construction public meeting on Thursday, July 25 (6 p.m.) at the Regional Transit Authority.
For more information about this project and other upcoming work, please visit or call 504.658.ROAD (7623).